When containers are filled with active formulations but not ventilated properly, serious consequences could occur — including bloated or collapsed containers, damaged labeling and costly cleanups from leakages. Regardless if containers are stored, transported or distributed, Oxyphen’s unique track-etched membrane solutions are welded or press-fitted into your caps & closures to reliably address this ventilation issue. These naturally smooth membrane surfaces, which are resistant against most chemicals and formulations on the market, quickly repel droplets that can clog the functional surface area and impact operation. In addition, the pore size and pore density are customized to your flow rate and water entry pressure requirements for maximum performance.
For specific chemical resistance requirements, please contact us to learn more about alternatively available membrane materials.
Oxyphen complies to UN packaging legislations for dangerous goods and consequently realized related material validations at FILTRATION GROUP.
Related Resources
OxyDisc® Product Brochure
Learn more about OxyDisc® die-cut membrane discs that can be produced using either hydrophobic or hydrophilic membranes and easily handled and mounted using multiple assembly options to suit a variety of industries.
OxySeal® Product Brochure
Learn more about OxySeal® pressure compensation units that are designed to be a plug & play solution for easy integration into existing product assemblies while protecting from any environmental impact.
OxyPad® Product Brochure
Learn more about OxyPad® 100% PFOA-free hydrophobic and oleophobic-treated self-adhesive pads that provide consistent pressure equalization to reduce seal stress, minimize condensation, and protect the housing.
Registrieren Sie sich für unser On-Demand-Webinar
Für Präzision und Kontrolle: Eine Einführung in die Track-Etched-Membran-Technologie
Related Products
Rollstock Membrane
Ideally suited for in-house and large-scale manufacturing applications, Oxyphen’s track-etched Rollstock membrane can be laminated, unlaminated, or fiber-based – supplied from polyester (PET) or polycarbonate (PC) high quality raw materials.
OxyPad® Self-Adhesive Pads
OxyPad® membrane pads, which are easily integrated inside or outside your housing design, promote consistent pressure equalization and protection against water, dust, and other harmful particulates.
OxyDisc® Die-Cut Membrane Discs
OxyDisc® die-cut membrane discs can be easily mounted and produced using either hydrophobic or hydrophilic membranes for a variety of filtration or venting application requirements.
OxySeal® Pressure Compensation Units
OxySeal® pressure compensated venting plugs, which are available with hydrophobic or oleophobic treated membranes, can prevent the ingress of liquid, water, dust, dirt, salt, and other contaminants.
Membrane Technologies Available
Unique-Mem® Unlaminated Track-Etched Membranes
Unique-Mem® track-etched membranes, available as hydrophilic or hydrophobic, are characterized by cylindrical shaped pores penetrating the membrane in different angles. They have a smooth flat surface and well-defined flow rates.
RoTrac® Laminated Track-Etched Membranes
RoTrac® track-etched membranes are Unique-Mem® membranes that are supported with non-wovens (PP or PET) to create a more robust membrane. They are available as either hydrophilic or hydrophobic membranes.
Fiber-Based Membranes
Fiber-based membranes are surface modified using a super-hydrophobic coating to repel water and other liquids while still allowing maximum airflow.
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