Markets & Applications


Precise Control for Sterile Venting & Filtration Applications

Oxyphen’s track-etched membranes have a highly defined pore structure, along with adjustable pore size and flow parameters, to offer a safe and reliable solution for whatever your sterile filtration or venting application may be. Our technology shows unparalleled results in medical devices such as infusion filters, as the filtration and retention rate can be determined by choosing the correct pore size and correlating the membrane flow rate with the priming pressure of the drug delivery solution. When medical device manufacturers partner with Oxyphen, they can be assured that we will work with them to optimize the retention and flow specific to their needs. In addition, mounting can be done conveniently with ultrasonic welding or various other assembly methods.

Medical Sterile Filtration


Sterile Filtration

A common challenge among medical devices is the poorly designed sub-optimal filtration media that can potentially spread viral or bacterial particles in critical healthcare environments. Oxyphen’s track-etched membranes have extremely high VFE and BFE efficiencies to ensure users of your medical device remain safe.

Medical Sterile Venting


Sterile Venting

Many patient-monitoring medical devices must be able to balance different pressures while also providing protection against the ingress of fluids and/or bacteria and viruses. Track-etched membranes can serve as a key solution to both concerns.

Medical Infusion Pump Vents


Infusion Pump Vents

Infusion devices must be protected from blockage during the filling or priming of the tube. Our track-etched membranes offer reliable venting and sterility control, eliminating the ingress of contaminants such as oil, solvents, or other liquids while also providing continuous pressure equalization.

Medical Infusion Filters


Infusion Filters

To prevent particles from entering the human body and, more importantly, life threatening blood clots, track-etched membranes can be used with infusion filters to provide a highly tailored, optimized retention solution that is specific to the medical device and healthcare related application.

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